165 Mary Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-8884

Infraction Deferral Program

The Dearborn-Ohio County Prosecutor's Office has established an Infraction Deferral Program. It is designed for individuals with good driving records who have recently received a traffic ticket or violation. The program allows the Prosecuting Attorney to dismiss traffic tickets as long as drivers complete the terms of the deferral agreement.

What's Involved

Speeding is the most common violation but not only the moving violation is eligible fore the deferral.  To find out if you meet the requirements contact the Infraction Deferral Program Coordinator, Amy Beckett at 812-532-3288 prior to your court date.  

The most common deferral periods are as follows:

1 – 15 miles over the speed limit     2 point violation       6 month deferral             $192.50

16 – 25 miles over the speed limit  4 point violation       9 month deferral            $222.50

26+ over the speed limit                  6 point violation        12 month deferral           $252.50


Benefits to You

  • No points against your driving record
  • Dismissal of ticket
  • Insurance rates may not increase