165 Mary Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-8884
Leadership and Law
Leadership and Law - High School Students - 1 Week Summer Internship
Prosecutor Lynn Deddens sponsors high school student development through the Leadership and Law Program as part of the Dearborn-Ohio County Prosecutor’s Office. The program is co-sponsored with Judge Sally McLaughlin and is designed to assist students with developing knowledge about the criminal justice system, gaining clarity on future career options, and providing practical hands-on experience while having fun!
Leadership and Law is a summer internship program targeted to High School Students entering their Sophomore, Junior or Senior year in the following Fall school year. It is a one-week intensive program that provides a valuable opportunity for students to observe, interact and utilize leadership skills while participating in a program providing insight into careers in law, law enforcement, and government.
Students will learn from professionals and experience:
- Real court in action
- First-hand experience with CSI crime scene technology by investigating a mock crime
- Develop leadership skills and interact with community leaders
- Participate in mock trial proceeding based on the mock crime investigated
Summer 2025 Leadership and Law
The Summer 2025 Program will occur Monday, June 9 - Friday June 13. Interested students should submit an application and short essay on: "Why you would like to participate in the Leadership and Law Program" to the Prosecutor's Office through Kristina Martin. Applications and essays are due no later April 4, 2025 for the Summer 2025 Program. We usually accept up to 15 students into the program each year and acceptance this year will be communicated no later than April 18th.
Interested students, please contact Kristina Martin for more information: kmartin@dearbornohioprosecutor.com
Click Here to learn more from past students on their experience with the program.